
Canada, politics my views;

I've been asked..why not write more about Canada, the Canadian scene, the political situation, interaction with our people, that sort of subject subject. Pollution, ownership of our resources, industry,oilsands - fertilizer concerns and related  topics need looking at I am told.
Explore and write about this they tell me, rather than question the Americans or America. Oh well.
I promise to try a bit of this, Canada from the inside...instead of looking outside the country at the USA and other parts of the world.

Frankly, our political situation at the moment is extremely weird to say the least. The PC's ( Progressive Conservative federal party) have a majority and for the foreseeable future ( 4 years until a new election is legally required) they are in charge of the country.Separation by Quebec appears to be not much of an effort by the folks of that wonderful  province, during the last election they pretty well blew away the previously popular separation party The Bloc, and elected a group of NDP members making the NDP the official opposition.

The once mighty and powerful Liberal party is reduced to 3rd. party status although listening to their current temporary leader ( ex NDP Bob Ray...after a 10 year break) you would never know it.
Imagine, the NDP, being the official opposition. Their wonderful and unbelievable energetic  leader Jack Leyton died of cancer shortly after being elected and the is presently operating without a new person to lead the opposition charges.

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