
Conservatives...the CP's in power

Peter MacKay is in the news. Again. This time some big deal about a hotel bill in Munich, apparently his room was about 8 times as expensive as other rooms in other hotels nearby occupied by some of his staff.
I have a feeling we are making too much of this,we probably (media) should pick a few other targets. That's the trouble with a nonexistent or poorly defined opposition, we zero in on a few visible interesting individuals until other newsworthy moments show up.
As if the free helicopter rides by rescue training service members was not enough, we now scrutinise some old hotel bills, big deal indeed.
I would be much more concerned with the stupid and almost idiotic duplication of sending three (yes 3) government jets, with three officials to some function recently, all three originating in Ottawa to the same destination, Toronto I believe. A bit of co-operation and co-ordination could have saved some expensive jet fuel which in the form of heating oil could have been routed to one of our needy Indian or Native population villages.

But, back to Peter for a minute.
A Star guy with an obvious rug on the tube the other night referred to Peter as a lightweight,the Priminister likes him to be there when the ships come home. Funny .He's good looking, well I'm not sure about that comment.

If I have one complaint about Peter the munitions minister it would be, that:
A while back MrMacKay had a meeting with Arnold of California, the former governator and interestingly enough, during the conversation....on TV, Peter commented on having a common border with California. Bad.South of BC the US State is Washington state,with Microsoft, Boing close enough for Vancouverites to go shopping there.Then there's another state south of it...you look it up. And only then to the south  there is  California with it's population somewhat larger than that of Canada. Peter should indeed brush up on his geography.And interestingly enough Arnold Schwarzenegger did not even flinch when he heard that comment.

One more thing about Peter MacKay. He is probably the reason the Conservatives are the conservatives at all and in power at the moment. Why you ask? After two majority elections some years ago won by Mr.Malroney the party was almost totally wiped out at the end of the second term. Two seats were the resuls of this horrendous contest, the Liberals won and stayed in power for a long time.You may recall that the only re-elected PC at that time was the fellow who turned Liberal and eventually ended up running Quebec as it's premier. The other seat was won  by a popular former Halifax lady mayor. The point is that the party was totally wiped out and at the end of the slow rebuilding process young Mr.MacKay was the leader, but still with only a handful, of elected MP's.
A mister Manning started the new reform party in Alberta I believe and eventually reform and it's members,doctrine, aims and aspirations merged with the lonely handful of rebuilding PS's and the Progressive Party, eventually with it's new emerging leader Mr.Harper was re-born.

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